6 Effective Yoga Apps for Android

We all know about yoga. It’s a popular fitness activity and a decent workout for those who are not comfortable with weights or running. You can perform it at home with proper video or text instruction and the equipment required is expensive for beginners. Although is it quite challenging, there are many ways to do it and tons of instructors out there to choose from. Here I have assembled some effective and powerful yoga apps for Android to help you do it the best way.
6 Effective Yoga Apps for Android
1. Simply Yoga
Price: Free / $14.99

As the name suggests, Simply Yoga is a simple yoga app where you can set for 20, 40, and 60-minute workouts. This app features over 30 poses, three pre-defined workouts, video tutorials, audio instructions, etc. The free version will offer some basic exercise whereas the premium version will stretch out to more difficult routines. In the pro version, you get 60 poses, six pre-defined workouts, and some added extras. It is free or can cost $14.99.
2. 5 Minute Yoga
Price: Free / $1.99 per month / $5.99 per year / $8.49

5 Minute Yoga is one of the simplest yoga apps. It is dedicated to offering short, five-minute sessions of yoga featuring regular reminders, a timer, and slightly different exercises each day. Although the videos require improvement, the pictures and descriptions are perfectly fine in a pinch. You would require a subscription for all of the content. It may cost $1.99 per month or $5.99 per year or else you can also opt for a lifetime pass for $8.49 as a single payment.
3. Track Yoga
Price: Free with in-app purchases / $2.99 per month / $19.99 per year

Track Yoga is also a great yoga app offering courses and sessions for beginner, intermediate, and advanced yoga freaks. This app is equipped with HD video content, a pose library, and the chance to watch the preview sessions before actually starting them. You can also get some freestyle workouts. This app also features a Kriya system similar to Pocket Yoga’s karma system. You can buy Kriya points or earn them by using the app which can unlock many exercises. You can also opt for a subscription that unlocks everything.
4. Udemy
Price: Free / Course costs vary

Udemy is a great platform where there is quite a bit of yoga content. You can find on this platform various courses like seven-day yoga challenges, managing back pain, and even some hybrid yoga courses that fuse yoga with more traditional exercise. These courses could be expensive due to their unique content. You can buy a course once to get unlimited access to it forever.
5. Yoga Studio
Price: Free / $1.99 per month / $19.99 per year

Yoga Studio is also a great and well-known option for yoga apps. Here you will get a huge library of poses, 70 yoga and meditation classes, HD video, and much more. This app supports 10 to 60 minutes long sessions which can be customized. Some other features include tracking and scheduling support, a pose search, Chromecast support, pose blocks, etc. It is a single purchase app and recently it has transitioned to a subscription model also. The subscription is cheaper than many other apps.
Learn More – Babylon Health App
So, are you ready to try out some of the above–listed popular and also useful yoga apps? If you are a fitness freak, I am sure you will not miss out on any of these!