CRTC Wireless Code- What it Speaks About Your Rights

The CRTC (The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) created the Wireless Code to make it easier for every Canadians to understand the contracts for your cell phone and other Cell phone devices. The Wireless Code explains your rights and responsibilities as a consumer of wireless services. It establishes standards that all wireless service providers must follow. The Wireless Code applies to all wireless contracts.
CRTC Wireless Code
CRTC wireless code went into effect in the year 2013 which spoke of your important rights as a phone owner.
There will be no more cancellation fees after two years
This is one of the main highlights from the code in which consumers can cancel their cellphone contract after a maximum of two years, with no additional cancellation fees even if they’ve signed up for longer terms. Also you can end your contract early too. Suppose you have signed a three year contract and you wish to come out of it and explore a better deal there will be no penalty for this
Limit on data and roaming charges
Extra data charges and international data roaming charges are capped to prevent bill shock. When on travel domestic data roaming charges will be capped at $50 per month. International data roaming charges will be capped at $100 per month. If consumers want to use data roaming after the limit has been reached, they would have to authorize the carrier to do so.
Unlocked cellphones
You can have your cellphone unlocked after 90 days, or immediately if you paid for the device in full. The wireless code states the phone must be unlocked “at the rate specified by the service provider” for both subsidized and unsubsidized devices.
Trial period
Consumers can return their phone at no cost within 15 days – and specific usage limits – if they’re unhappy with their wireless service. If you go over the usage limits set out in your trial period you could face penalty. Service providers must extend the trial period to 30 days for people with disabilities.
Clear language
Your contract and related documents must be provided to you in plain language and you should understand things mentioned clearly.
Your phone is lost
You must notify your service provider that your phone has been lost or stolen. They will be obligated to immediately suspend your service at no charge. Customers will have to pay for all charges incurred before they notified their provider about the missing phone. Customers will also have to pay either the minimum monthly charge if they continue with their contract or pay the applilcable early cancellation fee if the consumer cancels their contract. If you get your phone back, notify your provider. They are obligated to restore your service with no extra charge.
You need to lodge a complaint
According to CRTC all wireless providers must comply with the code. If customers believe their provider is not following the code they should first try and resolve the issue with their service provider. Complaints should then be taken to the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services.